
研究方向: •超快光谱模拟 •量子耗散动力学方法 •基于张量网络的量子计算/量子人工智能
对实验光谱(Experimental Results)的模拟(Simulated Results),详见论文。
课题组条件: •自行搭建的200核和160核不同构型的计算集群各1套 •6台不同型号的3D打印机

Xuan Leng’s Publications, Theses & Notes



  1. Xuan Leng*, Peng Lei & Wen-zhao Zhang, Effects of electronic-vibrational resonance on the absorption and two-dimensional rephasing spectra of the Fenna-Matthews-Olson complex, Chem. Phys. 2023
  2. Xuan Leng*, Yaming Yan, Ruidan Zhu, Jiading Zou, Wen-zhao Zhang, & Qiang Shi*Revealing Intermolecular Electronic and Vibronic Coherence with Polarization-Dependent Two-Dimensional Beating Maps, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 14, 838-845, 2023
  3. Ruidan Zhu, Meixia Ruan, Hao Li, Xuan Leng, Jiading Zou, Jiayu Wang, Hailong Chen, Zhuan Wang, Yuxiang Weng*, Vibrational and vibronic coherences in the energy transfer process of light-harvesting complex II revealed by two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy, J. Chem. Phys. 156, 125101, 2022
  4. Duc Viet Le,  Jessica M. de la Perrelle, Thanh Nhut Do, Xuan Leng, Patrick C. Tapping, Gregory D. Scholes, Tak W. Kee*, & Howe-Siang Tan*, Characterization of the ultrafast spectral diffusion and vibronic coherence of TIPS-pentacene using 2D electronic spectroscopy, J. Chem. Phys. 155, 014302, 2021
  5. Duc Viet Le, Xuan Leng, Howe-Siang Tan*, Regarding expressions of the oscillatory patterns in the 2D spectra of a displaced oscillator model, Chem. Phys. 2021, 111142
  6. Xuan Leng, Thanh Nhut Do, Parveen Akhtar, Hoang Long Nguyen, Petar Lambrev*, & Howe-Siang Tan*, Hierarchical Equations of Motion Simulation of Temperature-Dependent Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy of the Chlorophyll a Manifold in LHCII, Chemisty-An Asian Journal, 12, May, 2020
  7. Ruidan Zhu, Shuai Yue, Hao Li, Xuan Leng, Zhuan Wang, Hailong Chen & Yu-Xiang Weng*, Correction of spectral distortion in two-dimensional electronci spectroscopy arising from the wedge-based delay line, Opt. Express, 11(27), 15474-15484, 2019 5-oe-27-11-15474
  8. Xuan Leng, Ya-Ming Yan, Rui-Dan Zhu, Kai Song, Yu-Xiang Weng* & Qiang Shi*, Simulation of the two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy and energy transfer dynamics of light-harvesting complex II at ambient temperature, J. Phys. Chem. B, 122(17), 4642-4652, 2018 6-acs.jpcb.8b00674
  9. Shuai Yue, Zhuan Wang, Xuan Leng, Rui-Dan Zhu, Hai-Long Chen & Yu-Xiang Weng*, Coupling of multi-vibrational modes in bacteriochlorophyll a in solution observed with 2D electronic spectroscopy, Chem. Phys. Lett. 667, 79-86, 2017 4-1-s2.0-S000926141730249X-main
  10. Xuan Leng, Shuai Yue, Yu-Xiang Weng*, Kai Song & Qiang Shi*, Effects of finite laser pulse width on two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy, Chem. Phys. Lett., 667, 79-86, 2017 5-1-s2.0-S0009261416309198-main
  11. Xuan Leng & Xian-Ting Liang*, Redundancy of Fenna-Matthews-Olson for energy harvesting, Acta Photonica Sinica, 44(1),0117002, 2015 2-Fenna_Matthews_Olson
  12. Xuan Leng & Xian-Ting Liang*, Simulation of two-dimensional electronic spectra of phycoerythrin 545 at ambient temperature, J. Phys. Chem. B, 118 (43),12366–12370, 2014 1-jp506974r


  1. 翁羽翔, 王专, 陈海龙, 冷轩 & 朱锐丹, 量子相干态的二维电子光谱测量的原理、应用和发展, 物理学报, 2018, 67, 1278012-review
  2. 冷轩, 王专 & 翁羽翔, 光合捕光天线系统的进化模式与能量传递, 植物生理学报, 52(11),1681-1691, 2016 3-1681-1691_16-1018


  • Ph.D. thesis: The applications of two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy in photosynthetic light-harvesting systems (二维电子光谱在光合捕光系统中的应用) UCASthesis-xuanleng
  • M. S. thesis: Theoretical study of energy transfer in photosynthesis light-harvesting systems(光合作用捕光系统中能量传输的研究)XuanLeng_Master_Thesis


  1. Notes on Quantum Mechanics.
  2. Notes on Redfield Equation.
  3. Exercises in Quantum Mechanics.

量子力学笔记(Notes on Quantum Mechanics)

  • 2021.9.15 移除了量子耗散动力学的内容,仅保留Redfiled理论作为附录,整体融入到新写的量子耗散动力学方法中。
  • 2021.9.15 阅读的人比较多了,实感挖坑不少,加入水印提醒。
  • 2021.9.15 调整了路径积分的内容。
  • 2021.7.7 考虑到两能级系统的重要性,将其单独成为一个大章节
  • 2021.7.7 首页增加了联动文档
  • 2021.7.7 事情太多,不定期更新,这里作为更新说明

Fundamentals of Ultrafast Spectroscopy

  • 更新日志参见网页底部
  • 勾勒了大概轮廓,写的非常粗糙,而且还有很多内容没来得及更新!欢迎来信交流~~
  • 希望有更多的人参与到这个方向~~
下面是我们搭建的第一代二维电子光谱装置视频解说。(@ Prof. Yu-Xiang Weng‘s group.)
  • 2021.11.12 更新很慢,添加了提醒水印
  • 2021.7.7 添加了郑元忠教授的教学视频链接,强烈推荐!
  • 2021.7.7 不定期更新
  • 2021.7.7 这里是文档“二维电子光谱”的更新日志


Skills in Scientific Researches 科研中的技能技巧




This is a document in Chinese which mainly records my learning program language skills, Linux skills, Numerical methods, tips of my scientific research experience and so on.
Now the document is an open-source document. I hope we can record our learning experience to make younger avoid 
some mistakes.

